Your IT Department

Hassle Free IT Takeover

Changing your IT provider can be quite a daunting decision to make.  Especially if you, like most business owners and managers, just want IT to work, and donโ€™t want to get involved in all the technical stuff.

To ease your uncertainty around moving IT service provider weโ€™ve created our Hassle Free IT Takeover process.

In a nutshell this means you leave all the hard work to us whilst we get you moved over.

We Play Nice With Others

One of the reasons our process is such a success is that we always play nice with other providers. This might be your incumbent IT Service Provider or any other provider you use.  We understand that itโ€™s not nice for anyone to lose a customer. So, we work hard to make sure the transition is as hassle free for them as it is for you..

How Does The Takeover Work?

Step 1

You are happy to move your IT Support to Your IT Department. Everything is signed up and we have agreed the best date for support to Start. (Usually we suggest 2 weeks before your existing agreement ends).

Step 2

You are assigned a senior engineer who will arrange to visit your offices and undertake our 50 Point onboarding process. This might sound complicated but itโ€™s not. Itโ€™s just a check list to make sure we are doing everything right.

Step 3

We will contact your existing IT Support provider and ask them to complete our IT Takeover Pack.  This is more than just a request for some basic information. This works well as it provides us with a good baseline of information to start with. 

Step 4

We document everything. Weโ€™ll pull together information from your current IT provider, along with everything discovered on the Onboarding visit.

Step 5

You are introduced to your service team. We get you setup on your support portal and an introduction email is sent to introduce our service to your team.

Thatโ€™s it โ€“ You and your team are ready to get support!

The takeover gives us a good few weeks to get to know each other. We can understand issues you may have had with your old support provider and your IT systems. It all comes together to make sure we hit the ground running and provide excellent service from day 1.

Making The Move To Better Support

Before we can get to the hassle free IT takeover we need an initial 15-minute call. In this call weโ€™ll find out what technology you have, discuss your current IT issues and talk about what you need from your technology. There is no obligation to move to a full IT Assessment following this call, and no obligation to buy anything, ever. Drop us a call on 0115 8220 200 or fill in our contact form.